Tuesday 8 October 2013

8 wife

The day before she asked you, you and your lover had agreed the affair must end. The day after she asked you, your lover rang you and you went to her. But on the day she asked you, you felt justified in denying it because as far as you were concerned it was over. And later when it all came out, you felt misunderstood. After all, you hadn't actually lied and your wife should have taken comfort from that. The same way she should have taken comfort from the fact that you and your lover hadn't technically  had sex. So technically you hadn't been 'unfaithful', just deeply in love and that didn't reflect on your wife at all. That counted for something, surely?

word 8 page 31
Everest, The Unclimbed Ridge
Chris Bonington and Charles Clarke.

The Northeast ridge took no prisoners, allowed no breach and  claimed the lives of two young mountaineers in circumstances that can only really be guessed at. Heartstopping and heartbreaking and still one of the best ascent books I've read. Only Joe Simpson competes, but more of him later.....

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